August started with a visit from Tian's former roommate and her mother.
Yu-Hsuan and a moray eel.
In the aquarium gift shop.
After lunch, in the salt water aquarium.
Watch out for the shark!
Yu-Hsuan and Selei
Selei and Yu-Hsuan
Yu-Hsuan and Selei
viewing aquarium from the bottom.
Tian, Yu-Hsuan, Selei
Lynette, Yu-Hsuan, Selei
Yu-Hsuan at River Park
Victim of sister's makeup
Thus ends early August, 2010
hello!! we are Yu-Hsuan's family in Taiwnn. we are very sorry. it's so long not to leave a message to Yu-Hsuan. because dad and mama's english are so poor. but we always had looked you on this blog. we are very happy you have a nice parent and sister. they take care you. we are so glad. we can't to see you but we also miss you every day. you just like our son. we also to pray for you and your family everything is all right. 更謝謝美國的父母這麼用心的照顧你 我們很感動 我相信 你會越來越好 更懂事. 看你一天一天的長大 我們很欣慰.我們也會 一直關注你 我們不會忘記你的. 願上帝 祝福你跟你的家人 一切 都好.